Tag: Recipe

Creamy Crockpot Chicken and Corn Chowder

Creamy Crockpot Chicken and Corn Chowder

This Chicken Corn Chowder is one of those recipes that comes together so well, I halfway expected a committee to show up at my front door and award me a “Homemaker Badge” or at least a special apron. I am a HUGE fan of creamy chowder soups but my Husband can’t do super rich dairy laden dishes. This was a recipe born out of Cold Sunday Desperation.

Delicious Glazed Pumpkin Carrot Cake Recipe

Delicious Glazed Pumpkin Carrot Cake Recipe

It’s finally September and with that comes a slew of delicious new recipe options! For us, it means harvesting the carrots from our garden and finding delicious ways to eat them up. This recipe has the texture of a Pumpkin Bread with the delicate sweetness of Carrot Cake, all topped off with a delicious Cream Cheese Glaze. What could be better?

World’s Best Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Recipe

World’s Best Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Recipe

A soft and chewy Oatmeal Raisin Cookie is probably in my top 5 favorite sweets of all time and this is a tried and true recipe that delivers excellent results every time. It’s a hybrid of a cookie recipe from my Grandmother mixed with a few tricks I’ve seen used on Pinterest, and it always results in perfectly chewy, not too sweet, evenly textured perfect cookies.

Healthy Sweet Cracker Cookie Recipe

Healthy Sweet Cracker Cookie Recipe

When you share a home with a two year old, you learn that tools of distraction (or straight up bribery… let’s be real) are tremendously helpful. Thankfully, my child speaks my love language. Food. We’ve been utilizing the magic of Animal Crackers for about a 

Healthy Cozy Autumn Sausage Soup Recipe

Healthy Cozy Autumn Sausage Soup Recipe

Guys, the temperatures are dropping, the days are getting shorter, and my heart couldn’t be happier. There have been rainy cool days full of baking, coffee, movies, and good books the past week, and I am HERE for it. Of course, one of the best 

Simple 3 Ingredient Granola Bars

Simple 3 Ingredient Granola Bars

I’m currently on a crusade to lower our family’s Sugar Intake and after an alarming trip to the grocery store, I’ve decided that in order to go low/no sugar on most of our daily foods, I’m going to need to find Recipes and start cooking. One simple swap was to try this 3 ingredient Granola Bars for my Husband’s Lunches and my Toddler’s Snack time.