Creamy Crockpot Chicken and Corn Chowder

Creamy Crockpot Chicken and Corn Chowder

This Chicken Corn Chowder is one of those recipes that comes together so well, I halfway expected a committee to show up at my front door and award me a “Homemaker Badge” or at least a special apron. I am a HUGE fan of creamy chowder soups but my Husband can’t do super rich dairy laden dishes. This was a recipe born out of Cold Sunday Desperation.

30 Minute Delicious Chocolate Chip Muffins

30 Minute Delicious Chocolate Chip Muffins

We’ve all been going a little stir crazy around here and the normal tricks I keep up my sleeve for my toddler were all missing the mark, today. There’s nothing like a yummy 30 minute distraction when you’re looking for a pick me up… especially one full of chocolate!

World’s Best Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Recipe

World’s Best Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Recipe

A soft and chewy Oatmeal Raisin Cookie is probably in my top 5 favorite sweets of all time and this is a tried and true recipe that delivers excellent results every time. It’s a hybrid of a cookie recipe from my Grandmother mixed with a few tricks I’ve seen used on Pinterest, and it always results in perfectly chewy, not too sweet, evenly textured perfect cookies.

Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies

Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies

Making “healthy-ish” cookies has become a weekly ritual here at the homestead… especially since we’re stuck at home all day every day. We need cookies on standby 24/7. I’ve been messing around with a few recipes and it seems that any time I make THIS 

Sauce from Fresh Garden Tomatoes Recipe

Sauce from Fresh Garden Tomatoes Recipe

Before we were even married, my now husband and I used to dream about the life we wanted to live. At the forefront of that dream, for me, was a cozy home full of pillows and blankets and a large garden where I could pick 

Grilled Sweet Potato “Steaks” Recipe

Grilled Sweet Potato “Steaks” Recipe

Happy Meatless Monday! I don’t know about you, but, 99% of the cooking in this household has gone from the kitchen to the backyard. We’re finding ways to grill out just about every night of the week. However, a family can only eat so many 

Healthy Cozy Autumn Sausage Soup Recipe

Healthy Cozy Autumn Sausage Soup Recipe

Guys, the temperatures are dropping, the days are getting shorter, and my heart couldn’t be happier. There have been rainy cool days full of baking, coffee, movies, and good books the past week, and I am HERE for it. Of course, one of the best 

Healthy and Delicious Cheese Cracker Recipe

Healthy and Delicious Cheese Cracker Recipe

We tear through homemade sourdough crackers at an alarming rate in our home. Since cutting back on added sugars, though, I’ve noticed a whale sized hole in my heart… a cheese flavored one, to be specific. The kiddo and I are both huge fans of 

Healthy & Delicious Banana Ice Cream Recipe

Healthy & Delicious Banana Ice Cream Recipe

When we started down this Low/No sugar path, one of the things I was saddest about giving up was Ice Cream. I’m not a huge sweets person, but in the summer, nothing hits the spot quite like an ice cream cone or sandwich after dinner. 

Simple Everyday Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread

Simple Everyday Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread

There is nothing better than the smell of home baked bread, but, healthy(ish) carbs can be tricky to create. I’ve tried baking Whole Wheat breads in the past and have always had a hard time getting a nice light and fluffy Sandwich Bread, but, with this recipe (which has changed and tweaked quite a bit!) I get two foolproof loaves each and every time!