DIY Simple Corn Leaf  Autumn Wreath

DIY Simple Corn Leaf Autumn Wreath

I love fall and Autumn Decor. As soon as the temperature goes below 75°, I’m ready to deck out the house in pumpkins, leaves and scarecrows. One very special thing about our house, is it’s red front door. When my husband and I first started dating, and fantasizing about our future, we envisioned a cozy house, with lots of pillows and blankets, children, a garden, and a red front door.

DIY Moveable Light Post Fixture

DIY Moveable Light Post Fixture

My favorite part of this project is that is could be recreated on any scale for any type of home. If you are in a rental, have a condo or townhouse, or even on a patio or garden, you could recreate this on a smaller scale in a Decorative Planter and have a custom solar powered light post anywhere!

DIY Custom Swingset Play House

DIY Custom Swingset Play House

The imagination that our two year old brings to every day normalcy is so much fun. His current obsessions are cooking in his “Kitchen” and playing in his Fort (details on that can be found Here!) But the one thing he doesn’t have is a “Play House” with doors he can open and shut.

Sauce from Fresh Garden Tomatoes Recipe

Sauce from Fresh Garden Tomatoes Recipe

Before we were even married, my now husband and I used to dream about the life we wanted to live. At the forefront of that dream, for me, was a cozy home full of pillows and blankets and a large garden where I could pick 

DIY: Concrete Stain Faux Paver Patio

DIY: Concrete Stain Faux Paver Patio

When we first began house hunting, the top thing on my list was a covered front porch. When we found our home, however, the lack of front porch was completely overlooked for the amazing views we got from our back patio. The only setback was the plain boring concrete slab.

DIY: Moveable Outdoor Dining Table Tutorial

DIY: Moveable Outdoor Dining Table Tutorial

Our family has been hunkered down at home since the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic. We’ve nixxed our annual family vacation to Michigan, and instead are focusing on turning our Backyard into a “Stay at Home Vacation Retreat.” One-by-one, all of the “Some Day” projects 

DIY: Portable Outdoor Kid Fencing 2.0

DIY: Portable Outdoor Kid Fencing 2.0

Not long ago, I built and shared two adorable wooden fence panels to help contain my kiddo in the backyard. Shortly thereafter, a storm came along and knocked the cute fence panels out on the driveway and broke them apart. I’ve patched and repaired the panels multiple times now, but, the gap between the house and garage that needs fenced off creates a wind tunnel that just doesn’t work with the design I had drawn up. Time for a redesign.

Simple Flower Pot Posts for Patio String Lights

Simple Flower Pot Posts for Patio String Lights

It’s getting warmer!! Our patio is perfect for hanging out during the day and playing with sidewalk chalk, but at night, it’s not exactly cozy or comfortable. One quick little DIY upped our Patio Hygge game in a big big way, though – String Lights!

DIY Cheap Cinder Block Patio Shelves

DIY Cheap Cinder Block Patio Shelves

When we purchased our home, the house itself was in need of major repairs but the yard and the view were amazing & sold us on the place. We’ve spent the past 3 years undertaking major renovations indoors so I’m really excited to spend the 

DIY: Build Portable Outdoor Kid Fencing

DIY: Build Portable Outdoor Kid Fencing

As the weather has gotten nicer, we’ve been spending more and more outdoors. It’s been so great watching my toddler enjoy the yard, but, he seems pretty determined to race down my driveway and out into traffic. I’ve tried explaining to him logically that the