DIY Cheap Cinder Block Patio Shelves

DIY Cheap Cinder Block Patio Shelves

When we purchased our home, the house itself was in need of major repairs but the yard and the view were amazing & sold us on the place. We’ve spent the past 3 years undertaking major renovations indoors so I’m really excited to spend the warm months of this year focusing on the outdoor space. Armed with a loaded Pinterest Board and a budget, I’m determined to create our dream outdoor space – on the cheap!

I’ve been trying to reuse and repurpose supplies we already have and these Cinder Block Shelves checked all the boxes on my list. This project is weather proof, frugal and totally space efficient. (If you don’t have a stash of cinder blocks in your barn, you can buy them at Home Depot for about $1 a piece!)

I hauled 8 of these blocks out from the back yard and laid them out on drop cloths. The kiddo thought they made for excellent play time and I was able to cut my shelves while he was busy playing with his new toys. Anything that entertains a toddler while Momma is busy is a major win!

I took a few wide plank boards I had stashed away and trimmed them down to 4.5′ long. I considered deck staining them to help protect them from the weather but didn’t have a ton of extra deck stain in the shop. Instead, I spray painted them an espresso color and then coated them with a polyurethane top coat. For the blocks, I actually purchased a can of bright red paint. I considered painting them in a color that would match the grey/blue scheme of the rest of the house, but, opted for a fun punch of color. I’m so glad I did. I think the color looks great!

I let all the pieces dry in the sun and then stacked them up on the patio. Voila! The simplest little shelving project in the world.

These work out great for keeping kid toys in reach on the lower shelf, while pots and garden utensils are up on the top shelf out of reach. First Patio project is in the books – on to the next one!