Tag: Outdoor

Build a DIY Simple Planter Box

Build a DIY Simple Planter Box

The best gardening advice I’ve received in my freshman year of growing is “You will harvest many lessons from your first garden.” Man, oh, Man. This is the truth.. and possibly the name of my future memoir. We dove in, head first, to the world of backyard gardening this Summer with little to no knowledge and have already made adjustments for next year including this DIY Simple Planter Box.

DIY: Moveable Outdoor Dining Table Tutorial

DIY: Moveable Outdoor Dining Table Tutorial

Our family has been hunkered down at home since the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic. We’ve nixxed our annual family vacation to Michigan, and instead are focusing on turning our Backyard into a “Stay at Home Vacation Retreat.” One-by-one, all of the “Some Day” projects 

DIY Cheap Cinder Block Patio Shelves

DIY Cheap Cinder Block Patio Shelves

When we purchased our home, the house itself was in need of major repairs but the yard and the view were amazing & sold us on the place. We’ve spent the past 3 years undertaking major renovations indoors so I’m really excited to spend the