DIY Build a Simple Rustic Table with Shelves

DIY Build a Simple Rustic Table with Shelves

The front door of our house has been visited by more delivery drivers this year than I care to admit. We primarily use the back patio doors when we come and go, so, I don’t often think about the decor or functionality of the front stoop. For the past few years, we’ve had a simple TV Tray sitting next to the door for drivers to leave food and pick up their tip, and the poor tray has taken a beating.

DIY Cheap Cinder Block Patio Shelves

DIY Cheap Cinder Block Patio Shelves

When we purchased our home, the house itself was in need of major repairs but the yard and the view were amazing & sold us on the place. We’ve spent the past 3 years undertaking major renovations indoors so I’m really excited to spend the