DIY: Build a Stunning Diamond Feature Wall Tutorial

DIY: Build a Stunning Diamond Feature Wall Tutorial

Feature walls are everywhere right now and it is a trend I am HERE for! I love that you can go as bold or as subtle as you want and can totally reinvent a space without any major structural changes. When we first started designing a room makeover for our toddler, I thought a Feature Wall would be a great way to make his space special for him. His ever growing Sports Memorabilia Collection led me to the idea of doing Diamonds on his wall as a understated nod to his Baseball Collection.

DIY Build a Simple Rustic Table with Shelves

DIY Build a Simple Rustic Table with Shelves

The front door of our house has been visited by more delivery drivers this year than I care to admit. We primarily use the back patio doors when we come and go, so, I don’t often think about the decor or functionality of the front stoop. For the past few years, we’ve had a simple TV Tray sitting next to the door for drivers to leave food and pick up their tip, and the poor tray has taken a beating.

DIY: Build Portable Outdoor Kid Fencing

DIY: Build Portable Outdoor Kid Fencing

As the weather has gotten nicer, we’ve been spending more and more outdoors. It’s been so great watching my toddler enjoy the yard, but, he seems pretty determined to race down my driveway and out into traffic. I’ve tried explaining to him logically that the