DIY: Portable Outdoor Kid Fencing 2.0

DIY: Portable Outdoor Kid Fencing 2.0

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Portable Outdoor Kid Fence

Not long ago, I built and shared two adorable wooden fence panels to help contain my kiddo in the backyard. Shortly thereafter, a storm came along and knocked the cute fence panels out on the driveway and broke them apart. I’ve patched and repaired the panels multiple times now, but, the gap between the house and garage that needs fenced off creates a wind tunnel that just doesn’t work with the design I had drawn up. Time for a redesign.

DIY Portable Kid Fence

This fencing design is borrowed mainly from the Wedding Arbor project. The repurposed poles on the patio that we use to hang our patio lights  have withstood plenty of wind and weather. Recreating weighted fence posts using the same methods was a fairly simple task.

I took two 2″x2″ scraps from the barn and taped them upright between two folding tables. I made sure the posts were centered and upright and then filled each container about 2/3 full with Fast Setting Quikrete. Triple checking that the posts were secure and upright, I then soaked the dry mix until it was all saturated. 

The posts dried up quick and even and within a few hours, I was able to attach the fencing! I wanted something lightweight, but not vinyl and this roll checked every box on my list. It is coated with PVC so it won’t cut my little guy’s fingers, but, it’s still wire so it’ll stand the test of time. I unwound the spool and stapled each end to a 2″x2″ and we were ready to rock and roll. A little snipping and tucking here and there to straighten out the fencing, and, it was a done deal.

I’m THRILLED with how simple this project turned out to be. It is clean, windproof, and a great simple little fence to keep the kiddo and the dog from running down the driveway and toward the road! 

DIY Portable Fence