DIY: Building a Wedding Arbor

DIY: Building a Wedding Arbor

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Wedding Arbor
Photo Credit: Piper’s Photography

When my wonderful husband and I first got engaged, I did what any red blooded woman does- I started a Pinterest Board. I knew I wanted the ceremony outdoors, I knew I wanted simple decor and I knew I wanted to keep costs down as much as possible. We found our Perfect Venue that bundled catering, tables, chairs, linens, etc., but the outdoor space they used for ceremonies had no focal point leaving us to bring in some sort of Arbor or Altar. I wanted something simple and portable that was cost effective and could potentially be re-used in the future.

Sheer Curtains for Arbor

I decided to go with White Lacy curtains for our DIY Wedding Arbor.  The only hang up then, was how to hang them in between the 1st hole and 2nd tee on the golf course. This was where we had to get crafty…

DIY Curtain Arbor
My Hardworking Assistant/Husband

Starting with two plastic flower pots, we duct taped the drainage holes to create a solid bottom. We then glued a piece of 2.5″ PVC into the bottom of each planter (to hold them up) and filled the pots with Quickrete.

DIY Wedding Arbor

We got lucky and found pre-treated and painted 2″ round closet rods that were 7 feet long that fit right inside our PVC holders. We drilled curtain rod holders onto the end of each post and once the Quickrete had hardened we were able to slide the posts right down into the pots. Voila – our DIY Wedding Arbor!

DIY Wedding Arbor Curtains
Wedding arbor at Ceremony
After it was all said and done, we were able to pull this “DIY Wedding Arbor” off for around $50 and each piece came apart for easy transportation and set up. We even brought it inside after the ceremony and used the curtains as a backdrop for our photo booth! Simple, frugal and oh so pretty for pictures… Perfect! You could dress it up as much or as little as you’d like — adding flowers to the curtain rod, or in the concrete pots, colored ribbons, layers of chiffon instead of curtains! The possibilities are endless!