Sauce from Fresh Garden Tomatoes Recipe

Sauce from Fresh Garden Tomatoes Recipe

Before we were even married, my now husband and I used to dream about the life we wanted to live. At the forefront of that dream, for me, was a cozy home full of pillows and blankets and a large garden where I could pick 

Healthy Sweet Cracker Cookie Recipe

Healthy Sweet Cracker Cookie Recipe

When you share a home with a two year old, you learn that tools of distraction (or straight up bribery… let’s be real) are tremendously helpful. Thankfully, my child speaks my love language. Food. We’ve been utilizing the magic of Animal Crackers for about a 

Simple 3 Ingredient Granola Bars

Simple 3 Ingredient Granola Bars

I’m currently on a crusade to lower our family’s Sugar Intake and after an alarming trip to the grocery store, I’ve decided that in order to go low/no sugar on most of our daily foods, I’m going to need to find Recipes and start cooking. One simple swap was to try this 3 ingredient Granola Bars for my Husband’s Lunches and my Toddler’s Snack time.