Tag: Motherhood

Self Care isn’t Selfish – You Deserve it.

Self Care isn’t Selfish – You Deserve it.

I think that for a lot of us, self-care feels indulgent. Self-care feels selfish. We’ve all heard the saying “You can’t pour from an empty cup,” but, how many of us are taking this advice to heart? I was recently speaking with a close friend 

An Ode to The Working Mom

An Ode to The Working Mom

Dear Working Momma, I have to start this off with a little apology. For months, I have been watching you from afar and feeling a little jealous. Every time I’m hauling my 50 pound diaper bag around the grocery store at lunch time and I 

Making Mom Friends: Blind Dating all Over Again

Making Mom Friends: Blind Dating all Over Again

Before my son was born, I worked full time in an office full of lovely people. I had friends to share my lunch with, people to gossip and laugh with, and coworkers I genuinely enjoyed. My day to day was filled with great interactions with 

Exclusively Pumping: Normalizing Alternative Breastfeeding

Exclusively Pumping: Normalizing Alternative Breastfeeding

Leading up to the birth of my first child, I wasn’t too caught up in a “Birth Plan.” In fact, I think I jokingly told my OB that my only plan was to have a baby, but, it wasn’t far from the truth. I was