DIY “Calm Down” Jar For Kids

DIY “Calm Down” Jar For Kids

Since my kiddo hit 20 months, he’s been having a really hard time with his emotions. He wants to communicate, but doesn’t always have the words. He doesn’t understand why he can make some of his own choices, but Momma calls the rest of the shots. It’s been challenging all the way around and in the fit of his meltdowns, we both have had a hard time calming down. It reached a boiling point last week in the kitchen, and in a moment of desperation, I whipped up this distraction/tool we can both use to focus and re-group.

Between Homemade Granola Bars and Bread, we go through a jar of peanut butter a week. Being a “Maker,” I hold onto just about everything, and pulled this container out of my stash thinking it would be a good size for him to hold on to. It’s also plastic, which is much more toddler tantrum friendly.

I dug out my old school Super Mega Ultra Hurricane Proof Hair Gel (every woman has one, right?) that has been hanging out in a bathroom drawer. I think using clear Glue would be ideal, but, let’s be real… this gel is probably a thicker and stronger hold than any glue could hope to be. I filled the jar about a third of the way with the hair gel and then added some warm water.

Calm Down Jar

I had a variety of beads sitting in my Craft Tub, but couldn’t find any loose glitter tubes. I probably (wisely) discarded them in our last move, but, really wanted some shimmer for this jar. Solution? Old greeting cards and gift bags. I was able to take a butter knife and shave down a substantial amount of glitter from an old Thank You card and a Birthday Bag and add it to the jar. I tossed in a handful of beads and filled the jar the rest of the way with warm water.

Calm Down Jar

I closed the jar as tightly as possible, gave it a shake, and was instantly mesmerized by the bubbles, glitter and floating beads. I let the little guy have a shake and he too was entranced. He also immediately tried to open the jar… of course.

Using my Hot Glue Gun on a low temperature, I was able to run a bead of glue around the seam of the jar to seal it and make it Kid Proof. I’m afraid if the glue were any hotter, it might have melted the jar or messed with the integrity of the seal.

DIY Calm Down Jar

In 10 minutes flat, with found objects from around the house, I had sparkly, shakeable tool that caught his attention long enough to calm his tears… and mine. It gave us a chance to sit together and watch each bead fall through the glitter, and remember that we’re doing okay. Even on the days when it doesn’t feel like it.

Toddler Calm Down Jar

What tips, tricks and tools do you use, or have you used, to help your family catch a quick breath and regroup?