DIY Home Menu: Never ask What’s for Dinner again

DIY Home Menu: Never ask What’s for Dinner again

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Nobody tells you as a child that being a grown up means you have to figure out what’s for dinner every single night. And as much as your inner 10 year old might have thought having pizza and ice cream every night would be totally awesome, it actually loses some appeal after a while.. Such a bummer, right?

In our house, it’s hard to come up with 7 dinners a week – and we even order take-out on Fridays! To come up with something healthy, tasty, relatively simple and kid friendly night after night while staring at a fridge wondering “What do we even have?” is a feeling we all know way too well.

The solution here in our home is to plan out our meals for the week on Sundays as a team. We sit down together every week and discuss what each evening looks like. Meetings or Appointments? That means crockpot dinner. What’s something we tried a few weeks ago that was a bomb or was a big hit? What does really well for lunch the next day?

We write out our menu each week in dry erase marker on this super cute framed weekly board. It makes knowing “What’s for Dinner” simple for everyone, and keeps me on track. It also serves as my shopping list for the week and helps keep me from wandering the aisles and impulse buying.

It’s hung next to the coffee pot and the calendar (aka, the command center) in our kitchen so it’s the first thing I look at in the morning. It’s so nice to start the day knowing that everything is right there at a glance.

kitchen command center

This little project cost me exactly $1 for an 8.5×11 “Document Frame” at the Dollar Tree. And I’m giving the printout insert to you for FREE! All you have to do is “Subscribe” to Rolling Richmond to receive your Free Printable Menu. Not only will you be getting this great Weekly Organizational Tool, you’ll also be the first to know every time a new Recipe, DIY or Tutorial gets posted on the Rolling Richmond Website – win/win/win!

Print out your free Menu PDF, pop it in a frame, have fun writing out your weekly dinners on the glass with dry erase markers and the next time someone asks you “What’s For Dinner?” you can tell them to “CHECK THE MENU!”

We’re so excited to send you your printable menu and have you join the Rolling Richmond Community!