DIY: Simple and Sweet Upcycled Sweater Pillows

DIY: Simple and Sweet Upcycled Sweater Pillows

In my bedroom, I have an entire chest of drawers dedicated to sweaters. You could call that an addiction, but, I choose to call it a lifestyle. Don’t get me wrong, T-Shirts and Summer fun are great and all, but, the second the temperatures drop into the 50 degree range, I’m a happy sweater wearing, tea sipping, cozy little snuggle bug.

Sweater Pillows

Alas, some of my beloved sweaters have seen better days, but, I haven’t had the heart to throw them away, so, they’ve been tucked in a “Some day, I’ll do something with this” pile. Well, gang, some day is today. Behold the SUPER simple Upcycled Sweater Pillow!

Nothing says cozy like these gorgeous little couch pillows, am I right? And these are already soft and well loved sweaters, so, the snuggle factor is upped by a million… roughly.

For this project, you’ll need:

Pillows from Sweaters
Soft Sweater
Sharp Scissors
Straight Edge
Yarn in Complimentary or Matching Color
Yarn Needle
Stuffing Stick (Chop Stick, Dowel Rod, Knitting Needle, Skewer, etc)
Homemade Pillow From Sweater
  1. Turn your sweater inside out and mark off the 4 straight edges of your pillow. Now is when you want to center any decorative patterns or designs. To make your sewing even EASIER, try to incorporate existing seams! For this sweater, I only needed to sew up the top and bottom.  
Pillow From Sweater Tutorial
  1. With a yarn needle, use a back stitch (tutorial linked here!) to sew all the way through the front and back of the sweater. Try and keep your sweater squared and straight while you’re sewing the two pieces together.
  1. Sew All the lines together EXCEPT a 1-2 inch space. This is where you’ll pull the pillow right side out and stuff it!
  1. When you’ve sewn all your drawn lines together, cut out around the lines leaving about 1/2″ margin.
  1. Pull your pillow right side out through the hole you’ve left for yourself. You can use a chopstick, Knitting needle, dowel rod, or any other stick type tool to help push it through the opening.
  1. STUFF IT! Keep your Stick Tool handy for this part! You’ll want to tear up and work the stuffing in small pieces to help keep your pillow from looking lumpy. You can puff this out to your heart’s content, or keep it a little under inflated and squishy looking. Play around with it!
  1. Once your pillow is as fluffy as you desire, close that bad boy up using an Invisible Stitch (tutorial linked!)

Voila! Enjoy your handmade upcycled cozy creation.

I can’t wait to see your pillow creations – wouldn’t these make the BEST House Warming or Holiday Gifts?! The possibilities are endless, friends! Go digging in your sweater stash and get to sewing!

Pillows from Sweaters