DIY: Upcycle Your Artificial Tree Tutorial

DIY: Upcycle Your Artificial Tree Tutorial

The holidays are upon us and while we dig our Artificial Trees out of our storage units, attics or basements, many of us find the tree damaged and not up to the task of holding our ornaments or lighting up our home. Before you go to toss that tree, though, here are some GREAT DIY Upcycles you could try!

DIY Simple Oatmeal Canister Pampas Grass Vase

DIY Simple Oatmeal Canister Pampas Grass Vase

Being a maker means I’m always holding onto things. Good looking coffee cans? I’ll repurpose them in the shop. Toilet paper rolls? I’ll turn those puppies into binoculars before you can even bat an eye. We go through a LOT of oatmeal in this house between cookies, granola bars, and breakfasts, and those containers get used for a lot of storage. If you double them up, they also happen to be the perfect shape and height for a decorative vase of dried Pampas Grass.